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Life cycle assessments for packaging solutions

Complete eco analysis of packaging solutions

We use our life cycle assessment tool EcoTrace to analyze the environmental impact of your product over their entire life cycle. This gives you an end-to-end picture of your packaging solution. We include not only greenhouse gases (CO2e) in the life cycle analysis of your product, but also impact categories such as:

  • Consumption of fossil resources: fossil energy inherent in the material
  • Eco-toxicity: harmful effects on living organisms (plants and animals)
  • Human toxicity: harmful effects on humans

With our LCA tool EcoTrace, we support you in finding the optimal packaging solution in all respects. This also helps you achieve your environment and sustainability goals.

  • Customer-
  • Environ-
    impact analysis
  • Closing

To calculate the ecological impact of your product, we apply a cradle-to-grave approach that takes into account different end-of-life options within defined system boundaries.

Personal consultation and support

We support you with our LCA calculation in the holistic analysis and evaluation of your eco packaging solution

  • Complete life cycle mapping
  • Analysis and comparison of different end-of-life scenarios such as mechanical or chemical recycling
  • LCA result as a basis for further development and optimization of your products in terms of various eco and sustainability criteria

Dataset transfer to your LCA software

Our LCA tool EcoTrace makes it fast and easy to integrate the life cycle assessment datasets into your LCA for Experts software.

You can also use our LCA program to compute and display various scenarios for your product, e.g.:

  • End-of-life scenarios: thermal utilization vs. mechanical recycling vs. chemical recycling
  • Use of primary raw materials vs. raw materials with recyclate content
  • Impacts of a conventional electricity mix vs. an electricity mix from renewables
  • Various environment impact categories