Corporate | Sustainability

Sustainability for Success

Since 2016, SÜDPACK has regularly documented its progress on its path to becoming a more sustainable company. The fifth Sustainability Report is now available. Its essence is clear: SÜDPACK is working resolutely on realizing its vision of “Sustainability Leadership” in the packaging industry. And to do so, the film manufacturer is concentrating on the environment, economy and social areas of action. Investments are being made in areas such as recycling technologies, climate protection, modern production facilities and the development of PPWR-compliant packaging solutions. 

SÜDPACK’s goal and strategic building block is market leadership in the field of sustainability in its industry. As one of the leading manufacturers of high-performance films and packaging solutions for the food, non-food, medical device and pharmaceutical industries, and also of customer-specific compounds for technically demanding applications, SÜDPACK is committed to making the company, processes and products as sustainable as possible. Sustainability is the core of its activities, as well as a driver of growth and a guarantor of values. 

In the current edition of its Sustainability Report, which covers more than 70 pages, SÜDPACK describes its exemplary achievements in the three areas of action since the last report was published. A new aspect is the expanded scope of reporting, which added SÜDPACK Oak Creek, SÜDPACK Grootegast and SÜDPACK MEDICA in France. All of the sites in the group of consolidated companies are now included. “Today, sustainability is firmly established in all areas and on all levels of our organization. The steadily increasing number of initiatives shows that sustainability is embraced in the entire company and that the goal of Sustainability Leadership is consistently pursued,” accentuated Valeska Haux, Vice President Strategic Marketing and Sustainability at SÜDPACK.

Another new highlight in the 2024 Report is the double materiality analysis, with which SÜDPACK has already prepared for the new reporting requirements in accordance with the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). It will be mandatory starting in 2026. The analysis serves as an important basis for sustainability reporting. At the same time, it allows for the critical evaluation and further development of the company’s sustainability strategy.

Results relating to circular economy, climate protection & social responsibility

Circular economy: ZERO WASTE ambition

“The ultimate goal is the responsible use of raw materials and recyclables, curbing the consumption of fossil resources and optimizing the carbon footprint along the entire supply chain. Carbon as a resource must be kept in a loop and existing plastic waste converted into new, high quality products,” is the film manufacturer’s guiding principle. 

SÜDPACK therefore not only continues to invest in new production facilities for recyclable and material-reduced products, but also in the expansion of capacities and technologies for compounding, regranulation and chemical recycling. In parallel, intensive work is being invested in the development of PPWR-compliant packaging solutions and sustainable product design. By 2030, the product portfolio is to consist 100% of recyclable films and material structures with at least 10% PCR content. To ensure that SÜDPACK products truly earn the “sustainable” label, the film specialists offer their life cycle assessment service “EcoTrace™” to holistically evaluate the eco-balance of products along the entire value chain. 

Significant progress has also been made in waste management on the path to ZERO WASTE. Between 2021 and 2023, it was possible to reduce the amount of waste by a further 11%. More than 120 tons of internal plastic waste were chemically recycled. 

Climate protection: NET ZERO

In the 2030 Sustainability Strategy, SÜDPACK has consolidated an extensive series of measures and initiatives in the NET ZERO central area of action. In scope 1 & 2, 84% of the targets related to direct greenhouse gas emissions has already been reached. In scope 3, 62% has been achieved for indirect emissions in the “purchased goods and services” category. In both segments, efforts will be further enhanced.

SÜDPACK has also been SBTi-validated since April 2024 and is one of the few manufacturers of flexible films to have done so. The adopted targets to reduce the carbon footprint, a sustainability ranking and a certified reporting system are helpful guiding principles and tools on the path to becoming a true NET ZERO business.

The company is already on the home stretch when it comes to renewable energy. The use of the company’s own photovoltaic systems and the purchasing of green electricity means that all of the German production sites already run 100% on green electricity. In the entire company group, the percentage of renewable energy is currently 46%. 

Social responsibility: employee satisfaction, occupational safety & transparent supply chains

Another important driver on the path to Sustainability Leadership, in SÜDPACK’s view, are its employees. It is only when they internalize and back changing values that a more sustainable corporate culture can succeed. What that requires first? Optimal working conditions and an intact working environment. The key building blocks in this context are shared values, clear remuneration policies, flexible and remote working time models, an attractive pension plan and, last but not least, additional benefits in the form of professional development, disability insurance and much more. At the same time, occupational health and safety is continuously improved by the many measures at SÜDPACK. 

Another focus in the current Sustainability Report is found on pages 62 and 63. In the scope of the Sustainable Supply Chain ambition, SÜDPACK is pursuing two goals that are closely intertwined: a transparent supply chain and sustainability as a decision-making criterion in purchasing. Effective initiatives that have been defined in this area include increasing the percentage of suppliers with a sustainability assessment as well as the percentage of suppliers with a positive sustainability rating. Currently, 68% of SÜDPACK’s supplier volumes in euros have a sustainability assessment. The aim is to increase this amount to 90% by 2030.

To fulfill its due diligence towards suppliers and society, SÜDPACK has been using EcoVadis to review its suppliers since late 2022 to comply with the Act on Corporate Due Diligence Obligations in Supply Chains. As of April 2024, 45% of the direct SÜDPACK partners had already achieved an average EcoVadis rating of 61.1 points – which is a 14.7% improvement compared to the end of 2023.

At the FACHPACK 2024 in Nuremberg …

SÜDPACK will provide detailed information at booth 220 in hall 4 about its sustainable products and business models for closing plastic loops with mechanical and chemical recycling. The new Sustainability Report will be available at the booth and can also be accessed with this link Sustainability by SÜDPACK.

Company contact

Contact details for press inquiries: Cordula Schmidt, Corporate Communication, SÜDPACK VERPACKUNGEN GmbH & Co. KG

Cordula Schmidt / Corporate Communications
Jägerstrasse 23
D-88416 Ochsenhausen, Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 7352 925 – 1869



Press contact
Vera Sebastian
Seestrasse 18
D-80802 Munich, Germany
Phone: +49 (0) 89 – 31 20 338-21