After two wins in the EFTA-Benelux Flexo Awards 2023, SÜDPACK Grootegast now had the honor of receiving a third award – the FTA Diamond Award in the “Flexo Wide” category. The prize was presented to the SÜDPACK team on May 30 during the 2024 drupa exhibition in Düsseldorf. It is the highest accolade that can be given to a European flexographic printing company. 

The finalists of the fifth Diamond Awards have already won national flexo print awards, such EFTA Benelux, FIA UK, ATEF Spain, ATIF Italy and ATF France. This year, the high-profile jury once again faced the difficult task of picking the best of the best from the 130 exceptional print images submitted in 16 categories. 

One of the 16 best is SÜDPACK. The printing specialists at the Dutch site in Grootegast qualified for the Diamond Awards after winning the EFTA Gold Award in the “Flexo print on film / wide web” category and the EFTA Silver Award in “Flexo print on film / medium web” category in late 2023. For Jan Jitse Dalmolen, Manager PrePress at SÜDPACK Grootegast, the Diamond Award is “a unique opportunity to compete on a European level. After all, the participating printing companies are among the top players in Europe and beyond.” 

Henk Edzes, Sales Manager Food & Technical Films at SÜDPACK Grootegast, who accepted the award together with Dalmolen on May 30 at the Kö59 Hotel on Königsallee in Düsseldorf, sees the accolade as confirmation and incentive at the same time. “The fact that our print images are among the best flexo print products makes us particularly proud – and this allows us to impressively showcase our expertise in this line of business. That said, customers are the toughest jury. With every single project and every single order, we have to win them over once again with brilliant color and print quality as well as excellent color gradients.”

Company contact

Contact details for press inquiries: Cordula Schmidt, Corporate Communication, SÜDPACK VERPACKUNGEN GmbH & Co. KG

Cordula Schmidt / Corporate Communications
Blegistrasse 7
CH – 6341 Baar



Press contact
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